To check for mic "cut off" we always recommend going to the Sennheiser receiver in the amp rack to look at the RF and AF meters on the left side of the digital screen. RF shows the reception of the body pack. The RF meter should read up to "40" when the body pack is ON and "0" or flat when the body pack is OFF. When checking the mic, the AF should read between 20-30 when speaking into the mic. If the AF doesn't move when you are speaking into the mic, the mic is defective or the transmitter packs input jack is broken. If you are experiencing loud thunderous banging sounds, turn down the mic's wall volume and look at the AF meter when you move the headset cable from side to side, if it spikes up to 10 or Peaks on the meter, you have a defective mic headset cable or loose input jack on the transmitter pack. Lastly, If the AF is reading when you are speaking into the mic but there is No output or sound, you could have a defective wall volume controller or something more involved with the wiring or processor.